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Sunday, March 7, 2010

I hate......

I hate:
- I hate smokers. It is because, they will make me in trouble...the smoke is very terrible and I hate the smell.
Dirty places
- I hate dirty places. It makes me uncomfortable and because of this I have to make sure that my bedroom and all the places in my house clean all the time.
- Pimples will make me feel uncomfortable and decrease my self-esteem. When I have pimples, I feel that everyone looking at me but it is only my imagination...hehehe. The worst thing, I am really hope that there are no presentation when I have pimples.
- I hate exam. It will make me stress and tired. When the time of exam, I will eat a lot and at that time, my weight will increase.
- When I have problems, it will make me suffer. I cannot concentrate in whatever I do. Besides, if I have problems I always share it with my best friend.
Wake up late
- When I am wake up late, it will make in trouble especially if I have to go to class. At that time, I just wear any baju kurung that in front of me. One incident that happened to me when I wake up late, when I am forgot to bring text books and the implication of this I got the punishment from my class teacher. All of these happened because I am wake up late!
Yellow color
-For me this color make me weak in terms of my spirit. I hate this color.
- I hate cats. It is because I have bad experience towards the cat. Sometimes, I feel that I am very cruel person because I hate cat but I cannot hide my bad feelings towards the cat.
- Chocolate will make me fat especially if I buy Cadbury chocolates. Even though the taste is good but I must avoid myself from eat chocolate.

Hypocrite people
- I hate hypocrite people because they are pretending and not show their true self. For me, we have to be our own self in order to make other people accept us.